Sunday, June 9, 2024

6.9.2024 - That Night in the Library

That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and Recorded Books Media for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of this new gothic-style mystery by Eva Jurczyk, wonderfully narrated by Hannah Cabell.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 3.5 stars rounded up!

On the night before their graduation, seven students gather in the basement of their university's rare books library.  One student has organized this event to recreate an ancient Greek ritual focusing upon Persephone, said to free those who take part from the fear of death.  Then the lights go out and one of them drops dead.  They are trapped in the library with no hope of getting out until morning and the body count begins to rise.

I am always up for a locked-room mystery and one that takes place in an academic library?  Sign me up!  This novel has a very creepy, gothic feel to it, with the hidden room, lights out, candles, and drugs.  I mostly listened to the audiobook, and while the narrator did a great job, I seemed to have trouble keeping the characters straight in my mind.  This may have been due to my inattention, but all the characters seemed to blur together and made me less involved, so I never felt fully invested in the story.  Your experience may be different, so definitely give it a read if you like dark academic mysteries!

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