Monday, June 3, 2024

6.3.2024 - Follow Her Down

Follow Her Down by Victoria Helen Stone 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing/Amazon Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by Victoria Helen Stone.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Elise and Kyle were young when their older sister, Robin was found murdered.  The whole family has suffered ever since - their mom became agoraphobic, Elise turned to alcohol, and Kyle got wrapped up in conspiracy theories.  An old boyfriend of Robin eventually confessed and then killed himself.  Elise has finally turned her life around - she owns and manages a cabin rental business.  But then Christopher, her married ex-lover, turns up dead in the same woods.  Are the cases somehow related?  

This book kept me glued to the pages, with so many potential suspects and unreliable narrators.  Plus, the remote atmosphere of the cabins in the woods added another creepy factor.  We even hear from Robin through letters she wrote from camp the summer she died.  I loved Elise's character - flawed yet trying so hard to live the right way.  But conspiracy theories can sound real too, so is Kyle onto something?  Put this one on your reading list - and that ending just screams for a sequel, so I've got my fingers crossed!

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