Saturday, June 22, 2024

6.22.2024 - Best, First, and Last

Best, First, and Last by Amy T. Matthews 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read this wonderful book by Amy T. Matthews.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Three generations of women are struggling.  Heather has just broken up with her on-again off-again boyfriend, working at home, and miserable because the other women in her life are too.  Mother Sandy is in the midst of a divorce and bitter.  Grandmother Bonnie is mourning the death of her third husband and has taken to carrying around his urn everywhere she goes.  When Bonnie's neighbor's grandson tells her of his upcoming adventure to hike Machu Picchu, she is determined not to spend her 70th birthday miserable as well.  She invites Sandy and Heather along with everyone's emotional baggage.  Let the fun begin!

I loved this author's previous book, Someone Else's Bucket List, and this was another charming, heartwarming, relatable story with great characters.  This story unfolds in the best of ways - in the present, the women are in Peru but as they begin really talking to each other and sharing their stories, we learn about their pasts.   The descriptions of the places they traveled added another dimension to the story, and you felt like you were going along with them on their adventure.  Lots of life lessons here to not hold on to grudges and live life fully, along with a healthy dose of romance and humor.  Great read to put in your summer travel bag.

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