Wednesday, June 12, 2024

6.12.2024 - The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby

The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby by Ellery Lloyd  

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful novel by the writing duo Ellery Lloyd.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

In Paris, in 1938, runaway heiress Juliette Willoughby perishes in a fire, along with her married lover.  Her one painting, Self Portrait as Sphinx lost.  In Cambridge, in 1991, two art history students discover secrets about the artist's family and the painting.  In present day Dubai, an art dealer is accused of the murder of his oldest friend, the last surviving member of the. Willoughby dynasty.  Is the key to unlocking all these mysteries hidden in Juliette Willoughby’s lost painting?

Wow - I loved this smart thriller!  It's complex, spanning a century, with hidden love affairs, family secrets and tragedies.  There is the intrigue of the art world, secret university societies, and lots of money.  The locations become part of the story as well.  It also explores how women artists were treated in the past.  This sounds like a lot, but it is so cleverly written, full of twists that had me gasping, and the satisfying coming together of all these story lines.  Highly recommended - make sure this is on your reading list this summer for a real escape!

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