Thursday, June 20, 2024

6.20.2024 - The Year of What If

The Year of What If by Phaedra Patrick

Many thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins, Harlequin Trade Publishing Park Row Books for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest heartwarming book by a favorite, Phaedra Patrick.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Carla Carter is about to get married and she knows that he's the one for her.  She founded a dating service, Logical Love, after her first marriage fell apart.  Carla is convinced that her and Tom will prove wrong her family curse that the Carter women are unlucky in love.  But when her family organizes a bachelorette party to visit a fortune teller, she's thrown by the results.  The tarot cards reveal that the love of Carla's life is someone she encountered two decades ago on a gap year.  To prove the fortune wrong, Carla sets off to Europe, tracking down her exes.

As with all Patrick's books, the reader meets such interesting and quirky characters.  Plus, this one is also a tour of European cities, as Carla tries to reconnect with her exes.  In doing so, she meets people that open her eyes to her family history and her own beliefs.  Is there really a family curse?  Or is it more of a self-fulfilling prophecy that's been handed down?  Carla has the chance of a lifetime to really go back and see where other paths may have led her.  The end was pitch perfect!

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