Wednesday, June 5, 2024

6.5.2024 - The Murder After the Night Before

The Murder After the Night Before by Katy Brent 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins HQ for gifting me a digital ARC of the sophomore book by Katy Brent.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Molly Monroe wakes up after her work Christmas party the night before, with a strange man in her bed, and no knowledge of the night before.  When she finally makes it into work, things only get worse.  Because Molly was caught on video last night and the video has gone viral.  Even worse, she gets home and finds her flatmate, Posey, dead.

I loved Brent's debut, How to Kill Men and Get Away With it.  This novel has much of that book's dark humor, while also highlighting toxic social media, especially victim blaming.  Every chapter started with a different social media comment about Molly and it shows how truly vile people can be to other people.  Molly is a messy character but one with great heart.  She doesn't always make the best decisions (who does?) which added to her relatability.  When the seemingly very incompetent police don't question Posey's death, Molly makes it her mission to investigate.    There are plenty of suspects, mainly because most of the men in this book behave terribly.  Such a great title and cover as well.  Another fun book which has me anxiously awaiting more from this author!  

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