Monday, June 17, 2024

6.17.2024 - Right Where We Left Us

Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon

Many thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press Griffin for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by Jen Devon.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Temperance and Duncan fell in love when they were 18, but they've been on and off since then.  Their chemistry is all too clear to everyone around them, but they can't seem to get past themselves to make it work.  When Temperance is back at the Brady vineyard for the summer for her best friend's wedding, things become really difficult between the two of them.  Can they finally get it right?

I loved meeting the Brady family in Devon's previous book, Bend Toward the Sun.  Now they're back, this time focusing on Temperance and Duncan.  You can certainly read this as a stand alone, but the Brady's a definitely worth starting at the beginning!  This book focuses on second chances, family obligations, communication, and of course, love.  It's the perfect mix of serious subject matters and steamy romance - you'll love these characters and be rooting for them.  Dare we hope for book number three featuring this family?  Fingers crossed!

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