Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6.25.2024 - How the Light Gets In

How the Light Gets In by Joyce Maynard 

So many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for gifting me a digital ARC of this amazing follow-up to Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 sparkling stars!

After the death of her ex-husband, Cam, Eleanor has stayed in their New Hampshire farmhouse to care for their adult son, Toby, who suffered a brain injury when young.  We reconnect with the rest of the family - Al is married and living in Seattle; Ursula lives in VT with her husband and two children.  Taking place from 2010-2024, we see how all of their stories play out.

I was gutted after reading Count the Ways and feel the same after closing this book - they are definitely going down as two of my top favorite books.  Joyce Maynard writes in such a way that you feel seen.  I highlighted so many passages because I felt like she was talking to me personally.  While I guess you could read this as a stand-alone, you would be doing yourself a disservice because knowing how these characters got to this point is huge.  I love how she incorporates current events of the time into the story to make it even more relatable, along with the music of those times.  These books are about love, forgiveness, finding yourself and especially parenthood and family.  It's heartbreaking, hopeful, and so beautifully written.  Very highly recommended!

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