Sunday, June 2, 2024

6.2.2024 - The Most Human

The Most Human by Adam Nimoy 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Chicago Review Press, and Dreamscape Media for gifting me an audio ARC of this memoir written and narrated by Adam Nimoy.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

This is the story of the relationship between Adam and his father, Leonard Nimoy, better known as Spock of Star Trek fame.  The two didn't have a great relationship, probably more typical of that generation, with dad going off to work and being hands off at home.  While Adam wanted to be a different kind of father, he shared the same addiction genes of his dad.  

Star Trek was basically a religion in our house while my kids were growing up.  My husband had grown up watching the original series and we faithfully watched those as well as the many movies and spin offs for years.  So of course this was a must read for me.  But it is much more than a celebrity tell all; it's the story of being the bigger person and trying to heal wounds.  Adam really lived his 12 steps and I learned much from his taking the high road in all of his relationships.  Plus, he was brutally honest with sharing his own flaws, and letting the reader learn from them.  I always appreciate listening to the author read their memoirs as well.  

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