Monday, June 24, 2024

6.24.2024 - Moral Injuries

Moral Injuries by Christie Watson 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins/Harper for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful literary thriller by Christie Watson.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Olivia, Laura, and Anjali meet during medical career, each carrying distinct motivations fueled by their pasts.  While very different, they form a tight bond that still sees them as best friends 20+ years later.  During med school, an event at a party forced them to make a choice.  In the present, a similar tragedy happens and forces them each to reevaluate their actions and friendship.

This book is a bit hard to review without giving anything away, because I liked not knowing where it was going.  I really found myself gripped in this slow burn thriller and the way it told the story in both past and present times, letting the reader see the characters' reasons for their present actions or inactions.  I liked the medical setting and depth, and especially the medical ethics dilemmas overlapped into this story.  Plus, once these characters had families, it was interesting to see how their values and ethics changed or didn't.  Great book!

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