Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6.25.2024 - How the Light Gets In

How the Light Gets In by Joyce Maynard 

So many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for gifting me a digital ARC of this amazing follow-up to Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 sparkling stars!

After the death of her ex-husband, Cam, Eleanor has stayed in their New Hampshire farmhouse to care for their adult son, Toby, who suffered a brain injury when young.  We reconnect with the rest of the family - Al is married and living in Seattle; Ursula lives in VT with her husband and two children.  Taking place from 2010-2024, we see how all of their stories play out.

I was gutted after reading Count the Ways and feel the same after closing this book - they are definitely going down as two of my top favorite books.  Joyce Maynard writes in such a way that you feel seen.  I highlighted so many passages because I felt like she was talking to me personally.  While I guess you could read this as a stand-alone, you would be doing yourself a disservice because knowing how these characters got to this point is huge.  I love how she incorporates current events of the time into the story to make it even more relatable, along with the music of those times.  These books are about love, forgiveness, finding yourself and especially parenthood and family.  It's heartbreaking, hopeful, and so beautifully written.  Very highly recommended!

Monday, June 24, 2024

6.24.2024 - Southern Man

Southern Man by Greg Iles 

Many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest in the Penn Cage series by Greg Iles.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

Taking place 15 years after the Natchez Burning trilogy, Penn Cage continues to struggle alone.  But when a brawl at a Mississippi music festival triggers a mass shooting and injuries his daughter, Annie, that all changes.  Suddenly Penn is thrust into a race war.  Robert E. Lee White is a Southern war hero who emerges as a strong third-party candidate.  Along with Annie and a former Black Panther, Penn needs to expose Bobby White's true motivations.

I am a huge fan of Greg Iles' books and don't think I've ever given one of his books lower than 5 stars.  I was so anxious to read this new installment in this series.  As with all his books, the writing was superb and pulls you into the story instantly.  It's atmospheric, gripping, tense.  However, while most of these books are long, I felt that this one was too long at almost 1000 pages, especially because there was way too much politics in it for my taste.  While we all know that we live in a very divisive time and I appreciate current events being interwoven into fiction, to me, this book crossed the line.  I felt the author just continued to pound his political views on the reader and colored all the characters accordingly.  That being said, I will continue to read anything he writes and wish him good health as he navigates his medical issues.

6.24.2024 - Moral Injuries

Moral Injuries by Christie Watson 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins/Harper for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful literary thriller by Christie Watson.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Olivia, Laura, and Anjali meet during medical career, each carrying distinct motivations fueled by their pasts.  While very different, they form a tight bond that still sees them as best friends 20+ years later.  During med school, an event at a party forced them to make a choice.  In the present, a similar tragedy happens and forces them each to reevaluate their actions and friendship.

This book is a bit hard to review without giving anything away, because I liked not knowing where it was going.  I really found myself gripped in this slow burn thriller and the way it told the story in both past and present times, letting the reader see the characters' reasons for their present actions or inactions.  I liked the medical setting and depth, and especially the medical ethics dilemmas overlapped into this story.  Plus, once these characters had families, it was interesting to see how their values and ethics changed or didn't.  Great book!

6.24.2024 - Honey

Honey by Isabel Banta 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Celadon Books, Macmillan Audio and Goodreads Giveaway for gifting me a physical, digital and audio ARC of this debut novel by Isabel Banta, perfectly narrated by a favorite, Brittany Pressley.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

In 1997, Amber is discovered at a school talent show.  Before long, she gets the chance of a lifetime - to join girl group Cloud9 in Los Angeles.  She and fellow singer, Gwen, become friends, along with Wes, a member of boy band ETA.  As she eventually goes out on her own, she discovers more and more of the bad side of fame.  

This was a total immersion of a book, made more so by my access to all the book's forms.  The audiobook was so wonderful and I would definitely suggest that - there was music in the background accompanying the song lyrics and it just put you back into that era.  This was a real coming-of-age story that felt real, much in the way that Daisy Jones and the Six did, plus this will give you Brittany Spears vibes.  It's nostalgic and will take you back in time.  You would like to hope society has changed since #MeToo broke, but...  A wonderful debut - can't wait to read more from this author.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

6.22.2024 - Best, First, and Last

Best, First, and Last by Amy T. Matthews 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read this wonderful book by Amy T. Matthews.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Three generations of women are struggling.  Heather has just broken up with her on-again off-again boyfriend, working at home, and miserable because the other women in her life are too.  Mother Sandy is in the midst of a divorce and bitter.  Grandmother Bonnie is mourning the death of her third husband and has taken to carrying around his urn everywhere she goes.  When Bonnie's neighbor's grandson tells her of his upcoming adventure to hike Machu Picchu, she is determined not to spend her 70th birthday miserable as well.  She invites Sandy and Heather along with everyone's emotional baggage.  Let the fun begin!

I loved this author's previous book, Someone Else's Bucket List, and this was another charming, heartwarming, relatable story with great characters.  This story unfolds in the best of ways - in the present, the women are in Peru but as they begin really talking to each other and sharing their stories, we learn about their pasts.   The descriptions of the places they traveled added another dimension to the story, and you felt like you were going along with them on their adventure.  Lots of life lessons here to not hold on to grudges and live life fully, along with a healthy dose of romance and humor.  Great read to put in your summer travel bag.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

6.20.2024 - The Year of What If

The Year of What If by Phaedra Patrick

Many thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins, Harlequin Trade Publishing Park Row Books for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest heartwarming book by a favorite, Phaedra Patrick.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Carla Carter is about to get married and she knows that he's the one for her.  She founded a dating service, Logical Love, after her first marriage fell apart.  Carla is convinced that her and Tom will prove wrong her family curse that the Carter women are unlucky in love.  But when her family organizes a bachelorette party to visit a fortune teller, she's thrown by the results.  The tarot cards reveal that the love of Carla's life is someone she encountered two decades ago on a gap year.  To prove the fortune wrong, Carla sets off to Europe, tracking down her exes.

As with all Patrick's books, the reader meets such interesting and quirky characters.  Plus, this one is also a tour of European cities, as Carla tries to reconnect with her exes.  In doing so, she meets people that open her eyes to her family history and her own beliefs.  Is there really a family curse?  Or is it more of a self-fulfilling prophecy that's been handed down?  Carla has the chance of a lifetime to really go back and see where other paths may have led her.  The end was pitch perfect!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

6.18.2024 - What You Leave Behind

 What You Leave Behind by Wanda M. Morris

Many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by a favorite, Wanda Morris.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Deena Woods is struggling from too many losses in a short period of time - her job at an Atlanta law firm, the death of her mother, and a divorce.  She needs a "dayclean," or a fresh start, so she moves back to her childhood home.  Her dad is now remarried to Ruth, and Deena struggles to not be resentful.  Her new job is completely unfulfilling.  One day, she finds a spot on an island to try and settle, only to find herself on the property of a widower trying to keep his land in his family.  He threatens her but shortly afterwards, disappears and his valuable land put up for sale.  Deena can't stop thinking about him and does some investigating, only to find herself caught up in a dangerous operation.

This is a fabulous book, combining current issues with old-world spiritual ties, all with Morris' descriptive and beautiful prose.  This is the second book I've read recently about heirs property (the other, Long After We Are Gone) and it's infuriating to think that developers can buy rightful land from owners.  While you are reading and learning about this injustice, you will find yourself in such a gripping story.  You will be rooting for Deena, such a strong woman, reeling but fighting back for what's right no matter the cost.  I loved the spiritual aspect to this book as well as learning more about the Gullah-Geechee culture.  There's even a second chance romance plot.  This is a highly recommended read!

Monday, June 17, 2024

6.17.2024 - Right Where We Left Us

Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon

Many thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press Griffin for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by Jen Devon.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Temperance and Duncan fell in love when they were 18, but they've been on and off since then.  Their chemistry is all too clear to everyone around them, but they can't seem to get past themselves to make it work.  When Temperance is back at the Brady vineyard for the summer for her best friend's wedding, things become really difficult between the two of them.  Can they finally get it right?

I loved meeting the Brady family in Devon's previous book, Bend Toward the Sun.  Now they're back, this time focusing on Temperance and Duncan.  You can certainly read this as a stand alone, but the Brady's a definitely worth starting at the beginning!  This book focuses on second chances, family obligations, communication, and of course, love.  It's the perfect mix of serious subject matters and steamy romance - you'll love these characters and be rooting for them.  Dare we hope for book number three featuring this family?  Fingers crossed!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

6.15.2024 - The Nature of Disappearing

The Nature of Disappearing by Kimi Cunningham Grant 

Many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press Minotaur Books and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest book by Kimi Cunningham Grant, with the audio perfectly narrated by Emily Pike Stewart.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

mlyn and Janessa met in college and formed a tight bond.  But time changes things and their relationship changed as well.  They were partially estranged but trying to reconnect.  Janessa is now an online influencer, blogging about her adventures with her boyfriend, Bush and Emlyn is working as a fishing guide in Idaho.  When Emlyn's ex, Tyler, shows up and shares her concern that neither has heard from Janessa, they pack up and try to find her.  

I loved this author's previous book, These Silent Woods, and the wilderness definitely is another character in this book as well.  Be sure to read the author's note on the meaning of that word as well.  This was less of a thriller and more of a character study on relationships, trust, second chances.   The story goes back in forth in time as we learn the backstories of the characters and how it influences their behavior and relationships in the present.  A good read and will be anxious for her next book!

6.15.2024 - One of Our Kind

One of Our Kind by Nicola Yoon 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Knopf for gifting me a digital ARC of the adult debut novel by Nicola Yoon.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 3.5 stars.

Jasmyn and King Williams move to the planned Black community of Liberty, California, hoping to find  like-minded people, a place where their growing family can thrive. Where all the police and shopkeepers are Black, so they don't have to deal with profiling.  King settles in at once, embracing the Liberty ethos, including the wellness center at the top of the hill, which proves to be the heart of the community. But Jasmyn struggles to find her place. She expected to find liberals and social justice activists striving for racial equality, but Liberty residents seem more focused on booking spa treatments and ignoring the world’s troubles.  

I was really anxious to read this book - it was billed as a Stepford Wife/Get Out thriller.  I really liked the way this book made me more aware of all the struggles of Black people in everyday life.  I liked the tension of wondering just exactly what was going on, although you definitely could make some good guesses.  But take this from an older white woman - while all white people were definitely portrayed as racist, it felt like it also did a disservice to Black people.  It seemed to stress only negatives about being Black.  While Jasmyn was trying to do all she could to advocate for her race, she put down others she felt weren't doing enough.  She was judgy of the way other Black women wore their hair.  And the ending?  Well...while obvious, it is sad to think that would be what Blacks need to be truly happy.  So definitely a mixed bag for me!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

6.12.2024 - The Paris Widow

The Paris Widow by Kimberly Belle 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing Park Row Books for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by a favorite, Kimberly Belle.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Adam and Stella are on their dream vacation overseas, when Adam goes back to the restaurant they were just at to retrieve his forgotten sunglasses.  Then an explosion rocks her world, and Adam is nowhere to be found.  Stella is desperate to find him and soon becomes famous as the Paris Widow for her pleas to the public.  Then she finds some clues in their hotel room that make her question how well she knows Adam.  But also, what secrets is Stella keeping from him?

Kimberly Belle is a must-read author for me, and this book proves just why.  From the opening explosion, this one just doesn't stop the action and suspense.  Plus, the international setting added another layer to the book.  It's a real cat and mouse game, as Stella chases down clues to Adam's disappearance and the secrets he's been keeping.  Loved the author's note at the end to highlight the real life black market sale of precious art and antiques, making this book feel all the more real.  

6.12.2024 - The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby

The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby by Ellery Lloyd  

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful novel by the writing duo Ellery Lloyd.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

In Paris, in 1938, runaway heiress Juliette Willoughby perishes in a fire, along with her married lover.  Her one painting, Self Portrait as Sphinx lost.  In Cambridge, in 1991, two art history students discover secrets about the artist's family and the painting.  In present day Dubai, an art dealer is accused of the murder of his oldest friend, the last surviving member of the. Willoughby dynasty.  Is the key to unlocking all these mysteries hidden in Juliette Willoughby’s lost painting?

Wow - I loved this smart thriller!  It's complex, spanning a century, with hidden love affairs, family secrets and tragedies.  There is the intrigue of the art world, secret university societies, and lots of money.  The locations become part of the story as well.  It also explores how women artists were treated in the past.  This sounds like a lot, but it is so cleverly written, full of twists that had me gasping, and the satisfying coming together of all these story lines.  Highly recommended - make sure this is on your reading list this summer for a real escape!

Monday, June 10, 2024

6.10.2024 - The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon by Shalini Boland 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer Amazon Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by a favorite, Shalini Boland.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Stella's dream honeymoon in Venice with her husband, Austin, has turned into a nightmare when he doesn't return back to their hotel room their first night there.  Desperate, she searches the city, eventually going to the police and calling his parents who rush to help.  But is Austin who she thinks he is?  And is someone following her?

Always enjoy curling up with a new book from this author, and this one didn't disappoint.  Told in "then" and "now" chapters, we learn about Stella and Austin's relationship leading up to their wedding, as well as Stella's frantic search to find him.  I raced through this one and was shocked at the ending!  Pack this one along on your vacation - you won't be disappointed!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

6.9.2024 - The Rom-Commers

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center 

Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest novel by a favorite, Katherine Center, narrated by the amazing Patti Murin, with the author reading an extra scene and the author's notes.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Emma Wheeler has put her dreams of being a screenwriter on hold to take care of her dad.  But when she gets the chance to rewrite a screenplay that her idol, Charlie Yates, wrote, she's beyond thrilled.  Charlie Yates is famous for writing big action movies, but his latest is a rom-com, and it's terrible.  Emma knows rom-coms and knows she can fix this script, but working with Charlie, who doesn't believe in love, may be too much for both of them.

Katherine Center has done it again - I seem to love each of her books more than her previous one!  She writes with such heart and it will make you feel all the feels, without falling into the sappy zone.  She tackles difficult subject matters without making the book depressing; in fact, it's just the opposite.  She shows you the good that can come from the bad.  I fell in love with these characters and this book, and Murin's narration just topped it off.  Center's author note at the end is a must read too.  Do not miss this one - out just in time to add to your vacation book list!

6.9.2024 - That Night in the Library

That Night in the Library by Eva Jurczyk 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and Recorded Books Media for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of this new gothic-style mystery by Eva Jurczyk, wonderfully narrated by Hannah Cabell.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 3.5 stars rounded up!

On the night before their graduation, seven students gather in the basement of their university's rare books library.  One student has organized this event to recreate an ancient Greek ritual focusing upon Persephone, said to free those who take part from the fear of death.  Then the lights go out and one of them drops dead.  They are trapped in the library with no hope of getting out until morning and the body count begins to rise.

I am always up for a locked-room mystery and one that takes place in an academic library?  Sign me up!  This novel has a very creepy, gothic feel to it, with the hidden room, lights out, candles, and drugs.  I mostly listened to the audiobook, and while the narrator did a great job, I seemed to have trouble keeping the characters straight in my mind.  This may have been due to my inattention, but all the characters seemed to blur together and made me less involved, so I never felt fully invested in the story.  Your experience may be different, so definitely give it a read if you like dark academic mysteries!

Friday, June 7, 2024

6.7.2024 - The Unwedding

The Unwedding by Ally Condie 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing and Hachette Audio for gifting me an audio copy of the adult debut mystery by Ally Condie, and perfectly narrated by Christine Lakin.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!  This is Reese's June 2024 Book Club Pick.

Ellery and her husband, Luke, had planned on celebrating their 20th anniversary at the luxurious Resort at Broken Point in Big Sur.  But that didn't quite work out, so Ellery is at the resort on her own.  A wedding is set to take place at the resort, and Ellery discovers the groom's body floating in the pool.  Then a mudslide takes out the road to the resort, along with cell service, leaving the guests trapped.  Then another guest dies.

I always love a locked room mystery, this one in a beautiful setting that becomes anything but when a storm comes through.  Plus, everyone has secrets, so everyone is a suspect.  Ellery's dealing with not only the loss of her marriage but a past trauma, the story of which spools out slowly.  Grief runs through these pages and Ellery is definitely someone you will be rooting for.  The narration was perfect; there was a large cast of characters and I thought she voice them all well.  I'll definitely be looking for more from this new-to-me author!

6.7.2024 - Middletide

Middletide by Sarah Crouch

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for sending me both a physical and digital ARC of this wonderful debut novel by Sarah Crouch.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

One morning, in a small northern Washington town, two fishermen come across the body of the young town doctor hanging from a tree.  Suicide?  Murder?  The tree is on the property of Elijah Leith, who left Point Orchards to become a famous writer.  Failing that, he's now home, living in his dad's cabin.  Soon the investigation leads right to Elijah, with the plot of his failed novel mirroring the doctor's death.

This is a slow burn, very atmospheric, novel that really pulled me in.  It took me a minute to get used to the different timelines.  As a guide, it's set in 3 main time periods:  the 1970s, when Elijah and his girlfriend, Nakita, are together; the 1980s, when Elijah returns; and the 1990s as more present day.  Once I get that set in my mind, I liked the back and forth of the plot giving us background information.  While it's definitely a character study into grief and second chances, the murder mystery played out well, with a few twists.  I can't wait to read more from this author.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

6.5.2024 - The Murder After the Night Before

The Murder After the Night Before by Katy Brent 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins HQ for gifting me a digital ARC of the sophomore book by Katy Brent.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Molly Monroe wakes up after her work Christmas party the night before, with a strange man in her bed, and no knowledge of the night before.  When she finally makes it into work, things only get worse.  Because Molly was caught on video last night and the video has gone viral.  Even worse, she gets home and finds her flatmate, Posey, dead.

I loved Brent's debut, How to Kill Men and Get Away With it.  This novel has much of that book's dark humor, while also highlighting toxic social media, especially victim blaming.  Every chapter started with a different social media comment about Molly and it shows how truly vile people can be to other people.  Molly is a messy character but one with great heart.  She doesn't always make the best decisions (who does?) which added to her relatability.  When the seemingly very incompetent police don't question Posey's death, Molly makes it her mission to investigate.    There are plenty of suspects, mainly because most of the men in this book behave terribly.  Such a great title and cover as well.  Another fun book which has me anxiously awaiting more from this author!  

6.5.2024 - Summer Romance

Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Random House GP Putnam Sons for gifting me a copy of the latest novel by Annabel Monaghan.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Ali Morris helps people organize and declutter as her job, but her own life is in total disarray.  Her husband has left her, her mom died, she's depressed, and is basically the single parent of 3 kids.  The first morning she takes off her wedding ring, she meets Ethan at the local dog park.  She decides that her life could maybe just handle a summer romance.

Don't think this is just a romance book or a rom com - it's so much more!  It's about learning who you are when life throws you curves, about feeding your own soul by helping others, about standing of yourself, about second chances, and of course, about love and romance.  I adored all these characters (except Pete, of course).  Phyllis, Ali's neighbor, especially touched my heart and I loved the relationship between her and Ali; plus, the Dr. Phil quotes had me laughing out loud.  Pack this one in your summer tote!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

6.4.2024 - I've Tried Being Nice

I've Tried Being Nice by Ann Leary

Many, many thanks to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster, Simon Element, Marysue Rucci Books, for gifting me a copy of this wonderful essay collection by Ann Leary.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Ann Leary has reached the age where she has decided she's tired of trying to be nice.  This book is absolutely perfect and I laughed and cried my way through it.  It's looking back on all those big and small things that make up our days - family life, married life, jobs, moving, pets, struggles - and done with humor, honesty, relatability.  There were moments where I went from literally laughing out loud to crying.  I want to be Ann's friend; she's that real, no matter that both her and her husband are famous.  They just feel like the kind of people you need in your life.  I'm so glad she shared part of her life with the rest of us.  Highly recommended!

Monday, June 3, 2024

6.3.2024 - Follow Her Down

Follow Her Down by Victoria Helen Stone 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing/Amazon Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by Victoria Helen Stone.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Elise and Kyle were young when their older sister, Robin was found murdered.  The whole family has suffered ever since - their mom became agoraphobic, Elise turned to alcohol, and Kyle got wrapped up in conspiracy theories.  An old boyfriend of Robin eventually confessed and then killed himself.  Elise has finally turned her life around - she owns and manages a cabin rental business.  But then Christopher, her married ex-lover, turns up dead in the same woods.  Are the cases somehow related?  

This book kept me glued to the pages, with so many potential suspects and unreliable narrators.  Plus, the remote atmosphere of the cabins in the woods added another creepy factor.  We even hear from Robin through letters she wrote from camp the summer she died.  I loved Elise's character - flawed yet trying so hard to live the right way.  But conspiracy theories can sound real too, so is Kyle onto something?  Put this one on your reading list - and that ending just screams for a sequel, so I've got my fingers crossed!

6.3.2024 - Anna Bright is Hiding Something

Anna Bright Is Hiding Something by Susie Orman Schnall 

Many thanks to NetGalley, SparkPress and Dreamscape Media for gifting me an audio ARC of this torn from the headlines novel by Susie Orman Schnall, perfectly narrated by Tiffany Bache and Hillary Huber.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Everyone is anxiously anticipating the launch of BrightSpot, an insertable technology set to change people's lives.  Only Anna knows that the technology doesn't work.  Jamie is trying to make her mark as a journalist and she gets the opportunity to interview Anna.  Then she realizes that Anna may be hiding something.

This one definitely harkens to Elizabeth Holmes and her Dropout story, but it's a story of the issues and inequalities women in the workplace face every day.  This was definitely a character-driven story and alternated between the POV of Anna and Jamie. you'll be cheering one on while booing the other.  Plus, you feel for all the people behind the scenes!  The writing and narration were spot on, and it felt suspenseful to see what would happen with the IPO approaching.  It's definitely a scary tale as well, as we allow technology to encroach more and more into our lives.  We can only hope that those involved are a bit more ethical.  

Sunday, June 2, 2024

6.2.2024 - Tell Me Who You Are

Tell Me Who You Are by Louisa Luna 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Farrar, Straus and Giroux MCD, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest thriller by Louisa Luna, perfectly narrated by the cast of Megan Tusing, Robb Moreira, and Stephanie Németh-Parker.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Brooklyn psychiatrist Dr. Caroline Strange is certain she knows what's best for her patients, her family, and pretty much everyone else, but that all changes when a troubled young man arrives for his appointment and makes a pair of alarming confessions: I am going to kill someone, and I know who you really are.  Thus, the story begins. 

I really loved this book - it's full of unreliable narrators and unlikeable characters with a plot and storyline that will have your head spinning in the best possible way.  I think you really need to go into this book as blind as possible to get that full head spinning effect; suffice it to say that it will keep you gripped until the very end.  Be sure to add this to your reading list - I switched between the digital and the audiobook, and the cast was wonderful.  

6.2.2024 - The Most Human

The Most Human by Adam Nimoy 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Chicago Review Press, and Dreamscape Media for gifting me an audio ARC of this memoir written and narrated by Adam Nimoy.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

This is the story of the relationship between Adam and his father, Leonard Nimoy, better known as Spock of Star Trek fame.  The two didn't have a great relationship, probably more typical of that generation, with dad going off to work and being hands off at home.  While Adam wanted to be a different kind of father, he shared the same addiction genes of his dad.  

Star Trek was basically a religion in our house while my kids were growing up.  My husband had grown up watching the original series and we faithfully watched those as well as the many movies and spin offs for years.  So of course this was a must read for me.  But it is much more than a celebrity tell all; it's the story of being the bigger person and trying to heal wounds.  Adam really lived his 12 steps and I learned much from his taking the high road in all of his relationships.  Plus, he was brutally honest with sharing his own flaws, and letting the reader learn from them.  I always appreciate listening to the author read their memoirs as well.  

Saturday, June 1, 2024

6.1.2024 - Look on the Bright Side

Look on the Bright Side by Kristan Higgins

Many thanks to NetGalley, Berkley and Recorded Books Media for gifting me an audio ARC of the latest book by the wonderful Kristan Higgins, with the audio perfectly narrated by the cast of Susan Bennett, Xe Sands, and Christina Moore.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

The old saying, Life is what happens while you're making other plans definitely applies here.  Lark Smith had a plan - get married to the right guy so she could have a marriage as perfect as her parents and meanwhile have a career as an oncologist.  Things aren't working out according to her plans.  When the renowned surgeon Dr Sartini (aka Dr Satan) approaches her with a proposition - she thinks maybe he can help her out too.  He just wants her to pretend date him to attend some family functions.  She agrees and then has an instant connection to his brother.  Things aren't all rosy with her parents either.

I adored this book!  Told from the POV of three women each dealing with grief and loss - Lark, her mom Ellie, and her landlady, Joy.  I fell  into this book and didn't want to escape the Cape Cod world they inhabited.  There's a lot of humor, life lessons, and a bit of romance - just the perfect summer read.  I loved Lark's personality.  Even though she was dealing with a lot and had a tendency to get too emotionally involved with her patients, she was able to stand up to Dr Sartini and her comments were so perfect.  Ellie and Joy give an older perspective to second chances and new beginnings.  Highly recommended!