Wednesday, September 4, 2024

9.4.2024 - The Trap

The Trap by Ava Glass 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Random House Ballantine Bantam for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest in this amazing series by Ava Glass.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

British spy Emma Makepeace is back!  She's now headed to Scotland for the global G7 Summit when her team is tipped off about a possible assassination by the Russians - they just don't know who the target is.  She has one week to figure it all out.  She must get close to Nick, a wealthy Russian with a British passport who The Agency believes has valuable information about the target.  She must also work with a local police officer, Kate Mackenzie, to help her navigate through Edinburgh.  

This is one of my favorite series, full of action and adventure.  Emma is tough, smart, determined, and a complete bad ass!  This book shines a little more light into Emma's vulnerabilities as she tackles her past as well as how far she can ethically go in her pursuit of knowledge.  Plus, there's a leak of confidential information leading Emma and her team to wonder who they can trust.  Definitely works as a stand alone, but start with the beginning for full enjoyment of this amazing series!  Can't wait for more!

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