Saturday, September 21, 2024

9.21.2024 - Margo's Got Money Troubles

Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe 

Many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful book by Rufi Thorpe – 4.5 stars!

Margo is the child of a Hooters waitress and an ex-pro wrestler, and neither provided a stable upbringing.  Margo knew she would have to rely on herself, so she enrolls at the local junior college, although without a set goal.  After a brief affair with her English professor, she becomes pregnant and decides to keep the baby.  Now at the age of 20, she’s alone with a baby, unemployed, and about to lose her apartment.  When her estranged dad, Jinx, shows up and asks to move in with her, she agrees if he will help with childcare.  But she needs a plan to make money – fast.  She comes across OnlyFans and sets up an account on a whim, only to start making it a success.  But could it come at too steep a price?


This is such an endearing, hilarious, and insightful coming-of-age story.  It’s a joy to watch Margo begin to own her story and take charge of her life.  It’s definitely a look into classism and how quickly a house of cards can come tumbling down, even with the best of intentions.  Because I’m behind on my reading backlist, I snagged the audiobook from the library and Harper Audio.  The narration by Elle Fanning was fabulous, and she and Nicole Kidman are set to star in an adaptation by Apple TV.  But always remember to read the book first!

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