Sunday, September 1, 2024

9.1.2024 - Talking to Strangers

 Talking to Strangers by Fiona Barton

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by Fiona Barton, he second in the Detective Elise King series, and including me in the blog tour for this book.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Detective Elise King is in recovery from her cancer and still coping with that trauma, as well as with persistent brain fog.  But Ronnie, her coworker, continues to have her back.  They are now dealing with the murder of Karen Simmons on Valentine's Day.  Karen was a big user of dating apps, and Elise is wondering if she was killed by someone she met online.  Kiki, a single mother trying to survive as a journalist, wants to get the scoop on Karen's murder to help her career and is willing to venture into unsafe territory to investigate.

I loved the first book in this series, Local Gone Missing, and was so happy to reunite with Elise and Ronnie.  This book delves into a lot of relevant and serious subjects, such as the dangers of online dating and social media, family trauma, and abuse.  There are quite a few threads and characters here, but it was helpful to have the character names at the beginning of each chapter to keep everything straight in my mind.  The story is told from the POVs of Elise, Kiki, and Annie, a woman whose son was murdered in the same woods that Karen was found.  These storylines all intersect perfectly and I couldn't put this book down!  Fingers crossed for another chapter in this great series.

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