Wednesday, September 4, 2024

9.4.2024 - Amish Pies

Amish Pies by Laura Anne Lapp 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Skyhorse Publishing for gifting me a beautiful digital ARC of this wonderful cookbook by Laura Anne Lapp.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

The Amish people are known for their simple, yet amazing food and dessert.  I was thrilled to get a copy of this book focusing on pies, since I both love to bake and eat them!  The recipes are simply written, each with an accompanying picture, and require no special ingredients or techniques.  I have bookmarked so many that I can't wait to try.  Also a shoutout to the photographer - in keeping with the Amish simplicity, the pictures aren't overly styled and look like they were taken at the kitchen table.  This is a must have cookbook!

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