Friday, July 5, 2024

7.5.2024 - The Haters

The Haters by Robyn Harding 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by Robyn Harding.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

All of Camryn Lane's hard work and perseverance have finally paid off - her first novel has been published.  Everyone in her professional and personal life are thrilled for her.  But then she gets a message from an unknown person saying that she used her experience as a school counselor as material for her book.  When she checks a popular book review site, she sees a one-star review that quickly gains traction and soon becomes personal.  Who is so intent on destroying her?

I really liked this peek into an author's view of online reviews and reviewers; basically seeing exactly what I'm doing from the other side.  It's so frightening to see how quickly social media rants become viral and people feel free to spew hatred of someone they don't know from behind the safety of their screens.  Camryn certainly didn't make great decisions on handling this situation, but most of her actions were certainly understandable.  How do you know the right way to handle trolls?  This book also has a "book in a book" format, as we get to read excerpts of Camryn's book.  There's plenty of domestic drama here too, as we see how all this affects Camryn's personal life.  Another good thriller from Robyn Harding!

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