Friday, July 12, 2024

7.12.2024 - The Stranger at Black Lake

The Stranger At Black Lake by Christina  McDonald 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Intrigue Ink Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of this prequel to the Jess Lambert series by Christina McDonald.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Jess and her husband have just moved to Black Lake looking for a more peaceful life.  One morning, she meets what she hopes will be her first friend in town - Annie Parker.  But only hours later, Jess finds Annie wandering naked along the lake.  Taking her back to Annie's home, she comes upon a murder scene.  Then Annie disappears.

I was so anxious to read this series because I always like Christina McDonald's writing.  In fact, I waited to read this one so that I could read all three in a row.  This was a short introduction to Jess' backstory, but was definitely a good stand-alone mystery.  I loved the haunting feel to this book and the twists and turns made for a quick read.  Onto the next books!

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