Tuesday, July 30, 2024

7.30.2024 - The Days I Loved You Most

The Days I Loved You Most by Amy  Neff 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing Park Row Books for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful debut novel by Amy Neff.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Evelyn and Joseph fell in love as teenage neighbors in the 1940s.  Now, more than sixty years later, with a lifetime between them, they have gathered their three grown children to share the staggering news: she has received a tragic diagnosis, and he cannot live without her. So in one year’s time, they will end their lives on their own terms.

This is a beautiful love story, spanning decades, from WWII to 9/11.  But if you are looking for a rom com or a lighthearted book, this isn't it.  It is, however, beautifully written and pulls all the emotions with characters that feel so real and relatable.  Evelyn struggles with her decisions, she has a fallout with her daughter, the couple experiences the ebbs and flows that all long-married couples do.  It's told from the POV of both Evelyn and Joseph, in alternating timelines, so we see how their relationship started and progressed.  While the subject matter of death hangs over, I didn't feel it was depressing.  Instead, it showed hope in bettering relationships and fulfilling dreams.  Fabulous debut - this is definitely an author to watch.  I loved her author's note as well.

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