Friday, July 19, 2024

7.19.2024 - A Hunger to Kill

A Hunger to Kill by Kim Mager 

Many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of this true crime story by Kim Mager and Lisa Pulitzer, with the audiobook wonderfully narrated by Jennifer Blom.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

On September 13, 2016, in the small town of Ashland, Ohio, emergency dispatchers received a 911 call from a terrified woman who claimed to be kidnapped. The man holding her hostage was Shawn Grate, a serial killer whom the press later dubbed “The Ladykiller.” A key to his conviction and death sentence were Grate’s extensive recorded confessions—all extracted by one woman: Detective Kim Mager.  As an experienced specialist in sex offenses, Detective Mager was one of the officers assigned to Grate’s case upon his arrest. 

Reading and listening to this book puts you in the interrogation room.  It was chilling to listen to Grate confess to multiple murders and sexual assaults.  Detective Mager put her life on the line to develop a rapport with Grate to get him comfortable enough to spew.  I used to live about 45 miles from where most of these crimes happened, but since moving away after they occurred, I never heard about them, surprisingly enough.  Mager was so skilled at interrogating and getting information to be able to give some of these families peace.  It also spoke of the personal and family sacrifices law enforcement officers make to keep us safe.  Gripping true crime story, very well written and both voices wonderfully narrated.

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