Tuesday, July 23, 2024

7.23.2024 - Puzzle Me a Murder

Puzzle Me a Murder by Roz Noonan 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of this debut mystery by Roz Noonan.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

Alice Pepper is a librarian in a small Oregon town, still trying to recover financially from her divorce.  She's thankful for good friends and family, who enjoy putting together puzzles with her at the kitchen table.  But when her good friend Ruby is a suspect in her husband's murder, Alice knows that she has to figure out who actually killed Ruby's husband.

I'm not usually a cozy mystery fan, but this one was fun and intriguing.  The mystery was complex and had plenty of suspects that kept me guessing.  I liked the fact that Alice was older, relatable, and did not back down.  Plus she was always there for her friends.  This is the start of a series, and I'll be anxious to read more from this group of amateur sleuths!

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