Friday, October 11, 2024

10.11.2024 - The Puzzle Box

The Puzzle Box by Danielle Trussoni 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House for gifting me a digital ARC of this smart, intriguing thriller by Danielle Trussoni, the second book in this series, following The Puzzle Master.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 5 stars!

Mike Brink had a traumatic head injury and then developed a rare condition known as Acquired Savant Syndrome.  This condition allows him mental superpowers - he can solve puzzles, memorize information, that mere mortals cannot.  He has now been tapped to open the Dragon Box for the Japanese Emperor.  This box has remained unopened for 150 years.  It's not only impossible to open, but has proven deadly to all who have tried.

While you could enjoy this one as a standalone, I would definitely recommend reading The Puzzle Master first so that you can an introduction to Mike and his superpowers.  This book is fascinating and not only incorporates Mike's puzzle-solving abilities, but Japanese history and culture, as well as a scary AI presence that will definitely have you rethinking your online status!  Mike has Sakura has his guide to the puzzle, and her family issues are complex and still present.  I was on the edge of my seat throughout this book - a wonderful series!

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