Monday, August 5, 2024

8.5.2024 - House of Glass

House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen

Many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest psychological thriller by Sarah Pekkanen, with the audiobook wonderfully narrated by Laura Benanti.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Ian and Beth Barclay are going through a divorce and their young daughter, Rose, is caught in the middle as they each fight for sole custody.  They are all living in the same house, along with Ian's mother.  But the divorce and custody aren't the only issues the family is facing.  Rose's nanny, Tina, recently fell (or was pushed?) from an upper window to her death, witnessed by Rose who now suffers from traumatic mutism.  Stella is hired to be Rose's best interest attorney, responsible for deciding who should get custody.  Stella herself had a traumatic childhood and feels like she is the perfect person to advocate for Rose.

I loved this one!  I found myself suspicious and questioning everyone's motives.  It was chilling, creepy, and kept me turning the pages and listening to the audiobook whenever I couldn't read it.  Just why was all the glass removed from the house?  Why is Rose collecting sharp objects?  What really happened to Tina?  Stella's backstory is another mystery as to what really happened to her mom.  All these questions and plot lines are perfectly laid out and the ending very satisfying.  I really enjoyed learning more about the role of a BIA - what a responsibility.  Another great book by this author!

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