Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8.21.2024 - Ladykiller

Ladykiller by Katherine   Wood 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine Bantam for gifting me a digital ARC of the debut book by Katherine Wood.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

Gia and Abby have been best friends since they were young.  Gia was a heiress, and her family basically saved Abby by financially supporting her through school.  Years later, the two friends had an argument over Gia's sudden marriage.  Then Gia goes missing and Abby and Benny, Gia's brother try to find her.  Arriving at her Greece home, they find a manuscript Gia wrote that seems to mirror real life.  Will they find her in time?  And will their shared past secret come to light?

I really liked this atmospheric thriller that kept me guessing.  Both Gia and Abby share a secret from their past and Abby starts to receive threatening messages.  You'll question a lot of people's motives and be suspicious of everyone.  I liked the way the story progressed from Abby's viewpoints and Gia's manuscript.  The ending was a bit too open ended for me, leaving much for the reader to figure out themselves.  Great debut and will be looking for more from this author!

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