Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8.14.2024 - Dear Hanna

Dear Hanna by Zoje Stage 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing Thomas & Mercer for gifting me a digital ARC of the sequel to Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4 stars!

Hanna is all grown up now, but how far removed is she from that young girl who tried to kill her own mother?  She's now married to an older man and stepmother to Joelle, a teenager.  Hanna has found ways to curtail her dark thoughts - purposefully hurting a few patients here and there in her job as a phlebotomist, both she rationalizes that she only does it to those who deserve it.  She also writes letters to her younger brother, Goose.  But when Joelle surprises everyone with a big announcement, it sets off Hanna in even more disturbing ways.

 I really enjoyed Baby Teeth (and Mothered even more!), but this can easily be read as a stand alone.  I loved the creepy feeling, the dark humor, and the episolatory technique of reading the correspondence between her and Goose.  I also appreciated how dark and twisted Hanna's thoughts and actions were, but nothing veered towards the gruesome.  Sign me up for whatever creepy story Zoje Stage comes up with next! 

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