Tuesday, August 13, 2024

8.13.2024 - I Need You to Read This

I Need You to Read This by Jessa Maxwell 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster/Atria Books for gifting me both a digital and physical ARC of the sophomore book by Jessa Maxwell, author of The Golden Spoon.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Alex moved to NYC for a fresh start away from past trauma.  She's working as a copywriter for a pharmaceutical company when she learns that her childhood hero, Francis Keen, was murdered.  Francis wrote a famous advice column, Dear Constance, and her death was a huge shock to Alex and all her readers.  When Alex sees an advertisement searching for her replacement, she applies and gets the job.  But she begins receiving strange letters and starts questioning what really happened to Francis and even if her boss was involved.  She soon finds herself ensconced in the mystery.

This was a very clever mystery and I loved the premise and structure of this novel.  We follow Alex as she begins her new job, insecure about  following in her hero's footsteps, and feeling overwhelmed about the sheer number of letters accumulated since Francis' death..  We also read letters written to Constance from a young woman going through an abusive situation.  There are a lot of great characters too, from Alex's friends at the diner, to a new possible love interest.  No spoilers - read and enjoy the journey!

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