Thursday, June 2, 2022

6.2.2022 - Out of the Clear Blue Sky

Out of the Clear Blue Sky by Kristan Higgins

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest book by a favorite, Kristan Higgins - 5 stars!

Lillie knew that life would be hard and difference once her only child, Dylan, left home.  But she never dreamt that her husband, Brad, would tell her he wanted a divorce and was in love with someone else right before Dylan left.  Even though she had a good job as a nurse midwife that she loved, she was filled with anger and rage towards Brad and his new love.  So maybe a little revenge was in order?

This book was SO fun on so many levels.  As with all Higgins' books, it makes you think and feel all the emotions but this one just tops all that.  At almost 500 pages, I raced through it and didn't want it to end.  I loved Lillie as well as so many of the supporting characters.  Ultimately, this is a book about doing the right things, being there for each other, and moving on when life throws you a curve.  All mixed up with lots of laughs and heart.  Don't miss this one!  

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