Saturday, June 8, 2019

6.8.2019 - The Friends We Keep

The Friends We Keep

Many thanks to NetGalley, Berkley, and Jane Green for the opportunity to read and review her latest novel - thoroughly enjoyed this book of friendship through the years.

Told in 3 different time periods - The Beginning, The In-Between Years, and Present Day - the book follows 3 best friends - Evvie, Maggie and Topher - as they meet at university and come back together for their 30-year reunion.  Each of them struggles with their own secrets that they hide from each other and which prevent the close bond they swore would never end back in school.  At their reunion, they have a chance to restart their friendship when one of those secrets threatens it all.

I enjoyed immersing myself in these characters and their lives.  A story of friendship, secrets and second chances.  Great read!

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