Many thanks to NetGalley, Gallery Books, and Courtney Cole for the opportunity to read this book - 4.5 stars for a good, quick read!
Tessa has the world by the tail, or so she things. She's been happily married to Ethan for decades and they have 3 great children. She has a beauty business she started and Ethan is a successful architect who designed their beautiful home in Florida. As she drops off two of her children for their annual visit with their grandparents in Georgia and heads home, a hurricane is bearing down on her and Ethan is on a business trip in New York. Little does she know that the hurricane will be the least of her problems. When she discovers nude pictures from her husband's alleged mistress on his iPad, her fury matches the power of the hurricane. And she becomes someone she never dreamed she could be.
Told from the viewpoints of Tessa in present time and Lindsay, the mistress, going back over the last year of their affair, this is a story of revenge. However, once the storm passes, both women will never be the same.
This was a good read - we can probably all imagine how we would feel in this same situation. But it's also a cautionary tale that we should never take our relationships for granted.
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