Sunday, February 3, 2019

2.3.2019 - The Girls at 17 Swann Street

The Girls at 17 Swann Street

So many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press, and Yara Zgheib for this amazing 5 star debut novel - this one comes out on Tuesday - do not miss it!  A must-read look into the world of anorexia.

Since we live in a country where a vast majority of the people are overweight, it stands to reason that food issues are a big thing.  We are confronted daily with social media, tv and movies telling us that we aren't thin enough.  Even though body shaming is now a thing. if others don't do it, we do it to ourselves.  Unlike other addictions where you can at least avoid bars or friends that could lead you astray, how do you avoid food forever?

This is the amazing story of Anna, who grew up in Paris, was a ballet dancer, married the man of her dreams.  She followed him to St Louis for his job and found herself lonely and depressed.  At first, it's easy to ignore but when Anna is a mere 88 pounds and fainting, her last best hope is an in-patient residential treatment center.  There she must learn to live and eat again.

The story of these girls, the way they looked after each other, and the way they are trying to deal with their demons will stay with me.  An amazing work that took bravery and courage to write - bravo to all involved!

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