Monday, February 17, 2025

2.17.2025 - All the Captive Girls

All the Captive Girls by Linda Hurtado Bond

Many thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest book in the series by Linda Hurtado Bond.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

When we catch up with Tampa Bay crime reporter Mari Alvarez, she thought she had survived the worst and life would go back to normal.  But then a killer everyone thought was dead contacts her and starts a cat-and-mouse game where a loss will mean the end of everything she loves.  

I have enjoyed this series, made more realistic by the fact that Linda Hurtado Bond is a crime reporter.  This was a tense thriller where you didn't know who you could trust or what was going to happen around the next corner.  I felt for Mari as she was in a no win situation, plus I was anxious to see if the relationship between her and Tony, a police officer, would solidify.  What added so much to this story was the possibility of what AI could do and how you couldn't trust pictures or videos.  A scary premise made more so by its reality.  I'd like to hope there are more books to come, but this was a great series.

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