Thanks to NetGalley, Random House, and Gytha Lodge for the opportunity to read the first in what I hope will be a great series of police procedures/mysteries.
In 1983, six friends go into the woods for a night of partying and camping out but only five are left by morning. The missing, Aurora, the youngest of the group and the 14-year-old sister of one of the campers, was excited to be a part of the group, even when she knew she didn't quite fit in. It was a night of drinking, drugs, sex, friendship, and jealousy - none of which Aurora had experience with. When Aurora was discovered missing, there was a fruitless search and she was presumed dead.
Thirty years later, her body is discovered and DCI Jonah Sheens is in charge of the case. He went to school with the group and had met Aurora. Now he goes back to those group of friends to try and discover the truth of what happened that night.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book - while I never got real vested into the friends' characters, I really liked Sheens and his new detective, Hanson, and enjoyed going along for the ride on their investigation. The book is told in alternating timelines - from the 80s to the present - so we get to hear Aurora's voice which was an integral part of the story.
I can't wait to read the next in this series!