Friday, March 31, 2023

3.31.2023 - Community Board

Community Board by Tara Conklin 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Mariner Books for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest book by Tara Conklin - 4.5 stars!

Darcy has returned to her parents' house in Murbridge, MA, after her husband suddenly left her for another woman.  Then she finds out her parents moved to Arizona without telling her to try out a retirement village.  Darcy can't bother to go to work, get dressed, or shower.  She begins eating the stored food in her parents' basement so she doesn't have to go out.  She becomes involved reading Community Board (similar to Next Door) and getting involved  in the internet threads.

This is a light-hearted book with a big message - we are social creatures and we need each other.  Darcy certainly wallowed in her misery and social anxiety, but she was always trying to help too.  I loved the way the story spooled out - we get Darcy's POV, but also read the draft emails she never sends to her ex, the emails she does send to her parents, Darcy's interpretations of National Geographic profiles, and all those crazy, quirky Community Board posts.  Darcy meets a big cast of interesting characters in her journey and you'll fall in love with some of them.  Great read!

3.31.2023 - Hang the Moon

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster Scribner Books for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest novel by Jeannette Walls - 4.5 stars!

Sallie Kincaid is the daughter of The Duke, the biggest man in the county at the turn of the 20th century in rural Virginia.  Sallie's mother died when she was young and Duke quickly remarried and had a son.  When an accident happened that Sallie was deemed at fault, she was sent to live with her aunt.  It was supposed to be for only a month but ended up being 9 years.  She lived quite the different life during that period - she went from a rich home to scrubbing laundry for money enough to get by at her aunt's.  When she is finally allowed back home, things are very different.  She soon gets involved in things she could never have imagined.

Jeannette Walls can certainly write, as proven in her memoir The Glass Castle as well as her other novels.  This is such an interesting look into the times of Prohibition as viewed through Sallie's eyes.  Everyone in her family had so many secrets, yet Sallie was such a strong character, trying to do what was right, even if it was not legal.  She stood up and took charge when she needed to, and took care of those around her.  Loved the ending!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

3.28.2023 - Recipe for Disaster

Recipe for Disaster by Alison Riley 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Chronicle Books for gifting me a digital ARC of this part antidote/part cookbook by Alison Riley - 4 stars!

Food and hard times just seem to go together.  Who hasn't grabbed a pint of ice cream to counteract heartache?  The author has compiled short essays from celebrities from all avenues talking about their hard time and the food that helped them through.  The pictures alone are worth picking this book up, but reading through some of the recipes definitely improved my mood.  Samantha Irby's Rejection Chicken recipe will definitely make you laugh out loud - plus it sounds really good too!

3.28.2023 - The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise

The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for gifting me a digital ARC of Colleen Oakley's new book - 5 wonderful stars!  

Tanner left college after an injury ended her soccer career and she had to move back home with her parents.  She's angry, and sits around feeling sorry for herself.  When her mom tells her she needs to move out and do something with her life, she grudgingly takes the job of live-in nanny, watching over an elderly neighbor, Louise, who is recovering from hip surgery.  Louise's kids forced help on her and she is not happy about it.  These two women basically exist together until things start happening - Tanner sees a news report with a woman who looks remarkably like Louise, talking about a decades-old crime.  Then Louise wakes Tanner up in the middle of the night and their adventure together really begins.

I loved everything about this book - definitely Oakley's best yet!  It's laugh-out-loud funny (especially the texts between Louise's kids), it's poignant, it's the best road trip story.  It's women sticking up and standing up for each other.  A reminder that "Nothing in life goes accord to plan" and "Everyone has their shit."  You will fall in love with these characters and their interactions.  And that ending was perfection!  A must read and fingers crossed that it becomes a big screen hit as well!

Monday, March 27, 2023

3.27.2023 - Travelers to Unimaginable Lands

Travelers to Unimaginable Lands by Dasha Kiper 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House for gifting me a digital ARC of this informative book by Dasha Kiper - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Dasha Kiper was getting her master's in clinical psychology and at the same time was a caregiver to an elderly gentleman with Alzheimer's.  With that experience, and the experience of being a counselor for caretakers for over 10 years, she wrote this book which gives case studies and scientific knowledge and insight into the difficulties of caring for someone with dementia.

Some of these stories are so sad and difficult to listen to, but they also left me feeling grateful.  I'm dealing with this issue now, as my mother moved in with us about 18 months ago and is dealing with mild/moderate cognitive impairment.  I saw myself and my mom in these stories and it left me feeling validated and heard.  It's difficult to separate the person from the disease and at these beginning stages, that is the biggest struggle.  While Kiper stresses that caretakers need to forgive themselves, I wish she could have provided some more concrete examples and ways to handle some of the situations confronted.  However, I will be rereading this one to let some of the lessons sink in.  

3.27.2023 - Loyalty

Loyalty by Lisa Scottoline 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for gifting me a digital ARC of the new historical fiction book by a favorite, Lisa Scottoline, who consistently proves that she can write in any genre!  5 stars!

It's the 1800s in Sicily and Franco Fiorvante is a lemon-grower on the estate of boss Baron Zito. Franco dreams of owning his own lemon grove, but the rigid class system of Sicily thwarts his ambitions. Determined to secure a prosperous future, Franco will do anything to prove his loyalty to the Baron. But when Baron Zito asks him to arrange the kidnapping of a little boy, Franco crosses the point of no return, setting in motion the making of the world’s first Mafia family.  Gaetano Catalano is an idealistic young lawyer, whose devotion for justice is a calling. Gaetano is a member of the Beati Paoli, a real-life secret society of aristocrats who investigate crime. For Gaetano, the mission to find the kidnapped boy turns to obsession, and he risks losing everything.  

This was an impeccably researched and written historical tale of the beginnings of a Mafia family.  We watch how Franco changes - his honest ambition and dreams soon turn his lust for power into a curse.  We meet a variety of interesting characters along the way - in the beginning, I wondered how all these individual stories would come together but of course they do spectacularly.  Your heart will ache for these people and stories.  Plus, it's like stepping back in time to another world, where you can all but smell and taste the food as well as feel the hardships of the people's lives.  I didn't want this book to end - highly recommended!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

3.26.2023 - The Shards

The Shards by Bret Easton Ellis 

Thanks to NetGalley and Knopf Publishing Group for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by Bret Easton Ellis - 3 stars!

It's Los Angeles in the 1980s and a serial killer, named The Trawler, is on the loose.  Bret is a senior at the exclusive Buckley prep school, when a new student, Robert, arrives.  Robert has a secret and Bret is soon obsessed with him as he becomes part of his close-knit group of friends.  Bret is also obsessed with The Trawler, and sees connections with things happening around him, even though others don't.  

This is a long book - over 600 pages - and while I liked the writing style and the coming-of-age theme, there was too much of everything for me, especially the lurid sexual descriptions and thoughts.  To me, there was too much repetition and description of the time period - every scene is marked with the name brands of clothing, music and movies, cars, hair, etc, as well as description of LA streets and locations.  This one is getting rave reviews so call me the outlier here!

Friday, March 24, 2023

3.24.2023 - Blind Spots

Blind Spots by Thomas Mullen 

Many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press Minotaur Books and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the new book by Thomas Mullen and wonderfully narrated by Gary Tiedemann - 4 stars!

Seven years ago, The Blindness swept through the world leaving everyone virtually blind.  Technology created vidders, an implantable device that allows people a way to see.  But it appears that someone has hacked that technology, creating black blurs in people's vision.  When Detective Mark Owens sees a murder happen but the perpetrator is blurred out of his vision, no one believes him.  Soon the detective himself is a suspect.

This is a scary dystopian look into a future pandemic's effect on society and will definitely give you present day issue vibes.  There are conspiracy theories, anti-technology and anti-government protestors, police corruption, classism, politics - need I go on?  Plus, going blind and having all visual cues taken away brings up so many fears - loss of control, loss of trust, loss of faith.    With that as a background, there is a mystery here to be solved so buckle up!    

Thursday, March 23, 2023

3.23.2023 - Beyond That, The Sea

Beyond That, the Sea by Laura Spence-Ash 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Celadon Books for gifting me a digital copy of this beautiful book by Laura Spence-Ash - 5 stars!

It's 1940, and bombs are beginning to fall around London.  Millie and Reg Thompson make the horrible decision to send their 11-year-old daughter, Beatrix, to America to live with another family until the war is over and it's safe for her to return.  Bea is scared but finds that the Gregory family - parents Ethan and Nancy, sons William and Gerald - fold her seamlessly into their home and lives.  She becomes close to both boys and spends summers at their Maine island, living a life she never even dreamed of.  So when the war is over and she's called back to London, she doesn't seem to fit in there any longer.

This is just a gorgeously-written book - a character study of loss and love, moving forward, forgiveness and acceptance.  We follow along as time moves on for all the characters, and we see how they are pulled towards each other throughout the years.  While this is a historical fiction book and takes place during wartime, its focus is on families - the pain of turning a child over to another generous family and the bonds that result.  I loved spending time with this book and hated to see it end.  A must read!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

3.22.2023 - Earth's the Right Place for Love

Earth's the Right Place for Love by Elizabeth Berg 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House for gifting me a digital copy of the new book by Elizabeth Berg (a favorite!) and the prequel to the amazing book, The Story of Arthur Truluv.

Arthur Moses has a secret crush on Nola McCollum, but despite the advice from his older brother, Frank, she still looks at him as just a friend.  Frank has his own secret love and both boys are trying to stay clear of their father, a war vet who drinks too much and takes it out on his sons, mostly Frank.  Then tragedy strikes and no one is the same.

This was such a heartwarming story and I loved getting to know Arthur as a teenager and young man.  He knew he was different from all the other boys in his class - he wasn't interested in sports and would rather read about trees.  He was always busy helping his neighbors, who taught him much about life and living.  Both of these books are just wonderful and I'm thankful to Elizabeth Berg for letting us spend a little more time in this world.  Highly recommended!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

3.21.2023 - The Hunter

The Hunter by Jennifer  Herrera

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for gifting me a digital copy of the debut novel by Jennifer Herrera - 4 stars!

Leigh's career as a detective with the NYPD is over and her marriage is following the same path.  Her brother, Ronan, a police officer in their hometown of Copper Falls, Ohio, asks her to come back and help him solve the murders of three young men.  She hasn't been back home in a long time, but her uncles welcome her and her daughter, Simone, with mostly open arms.  But when she begins investigating, she realizes that there is a lot going on underneath the surface.

I really enjoyed this book - it had a Gothic feel plus everyone is keeping secrets.  I didn't expect the twists at the end as Leigh tries to uncover the truth of what's happening in her hometown.  Best go into this one blind and enjoy the ride.  Looking forward to more from this author!

Monday, March 20, 2023

3.20.2023 - How I'll Kill You

How I'll Kill You by Ren DeStefano 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for gifting me a digital ARC of the debut thriller by Ren DeStefano - 5 stars!

A set of identical triplets, abandoned at birth and moved around to various foster homes, some good and some terrible, and usually separated, become serial killers.  But they have standards and rules - they all must agree on a kill, they make the person love them, and then kill them.  Sissy, considered the baby, has always been the cleaner.  But now it's her turn for her first kill.  She meets Edison, a young widower, and the attraction is instant.  She plans the killing and burial site.  But then she falls in love.

This is a dark, disturbing thriller that is also so fun, and that is a combination that takes some serious writing chops.  This debut author pulls it off in spades.  I felt so bad for these young women, abandoned by their parents, desperate to stay together.  When Sissy is placed in a warm, loving foster home, she feels guilty because her sisters aren't there.  I don't want to give anything away, because there are plenty of twists and turns.  I couldn't put this one down - it's suspenseful, dark, and yet you'll find yourself in that gray zone of pulling for the bad guy.  Plus it's all so clever and detailed.  Fabulous debut - can't wait to read more from this author! 

3.20.2023 - A House With Good Bones

A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Tor/Nightfire and Macmillan Audio for gifting me an audio ARC of the latest thriller by T. Kingfisher and amazingly naarrated by Mary Robinette Kowal - 5 sparkling stars!

Sam Montgomery is an archaeoentomologist - she studies insects in archaeological remains.  When her latest dig is postponed and she had already sublet her apartment, she came back to North Carolina to live with her mom, Edith, for awhile.  Her brother had encouraged this because he told her that Edith seemed off lately.  And Sam found things definitely off.  Edith had lost weight, all the bright paint colors she loved were replaced with various shades of white. pictures replaced on the walls to when Sam's grandmother lived in the house, and Edith was very, very anxious and scared.  Suddenly, Sam's vision of boxed wine and British crime stories with her mom were replaced by hoards of ladybugs and very creepy things.

I absolutely loved this book - it was creepy, sure, but filled with so much humor and heart.  The narration was amazing and I personally believe it made the book so much better.  I literally was laughing out loud as I listened, even while the creep factor was strong.  If you're a T. Kingfisher fan, or even if you haven't read any of her books, you must listen to this one!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

3.19.2023 - The Things We Do To Our Friends

The Things We Do to Our Friends by Heather Darwent 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House for gifting me a digital ARC of this debut novel by Heather Darwent - 4 stars!

Clare arrives at university in Scotland ready for a new start after an incident in her past.  She doesn't fit in well but is so flattered when Tabitha, the head of a popular clique at school, made up of Samuel, Ava and Imogen.  Tabitha has a pull over Clare and soon enlists the group in a new project - one that makes Clare uncomfortable yet she can't stop or she risks losing everything, including her past being revealed.

I'm always intrigued by books revolving around universities and that fragile time in so many people's lives.  This is a book of unlikable characters, told in Clare's POV.  You can definitely feel the hold that Tabitha has over Clare - she's rich, she knows the right way to do everything, she is transforming Clare into her likeness - and Clare is powerless to resist.  This is a dark book, more of a slow burn, with an ending that ties everything up.  I'll be looking forward to more from this author!

Friday, March 17, 2023

3.17.2023 - The Golden Spoon

The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for gifting me a digital ARC of this fun debut novel by Jessa Maxwell - soon to be made a series on Hulu so you know you have to read the book first.   4 stars!

The tenth season of Bake Week is about to begin.  The mansion, owned by host and celebrity chef Becky Martin, is full of the six candidates and flashy co-host Archie Morris.  Each of the candidates is hoping to win the coveted Golden Spoon, but from the first challenge, things start to go wrong.  When a dead body is found, everyone is a suspect.

Told from the POV of each of the contestants and Becky, this is just a fun, light mystery.  Basically a locked-room type mystery where even the mansion holds plenty of secrets.  And the food!  Prepare to be hungry from the descriptions of the food each contestant makes as they try to win.  Can't wait to read more from this author!

3.17.2023 - All Dressed Up

All Dressed Up by Jilly Gagnon 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Bantam Books for gifting me a digital ARC of All Dressed Up by Jilly Gagnon - 4 stars!

Blake has booked a murder mystery weekend away for his wife, Becca, at a remote mansion. Becca is still upset with Blake after her discovery of his affair and isn't quite ready to forgive him. But a couple friend of theirs is along for the weekend, so she slips into the character given and tries to enjoy herself. But there's lots going on behind and in the scenes!

This was a bit confusing as the "real" characters are assigned roles to play in the murder mystery. None of the characters are likable and Becca's relationship seems to take front and center as well. If you've ever attended a murder mystery night where you have to solve clues and figure out the killer, you will enjoy this. The author has styled it such that you read the background and scene notes that the "players" do. A fun, lighter read

3.17.2023 - I Will Find You

I Will Find You by Harlan Coben

Many thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest thriller by Harlan Coben - of course it's a 5 star read!

David is serving life in prison for killing his 3-year-old son Matthew. He doesn't believe he did it but there's strong evidence to say he did. When his ex-sister-in-law, Rachel, comes to visit him for the first time, she shows him a picture taken at an amusement park by a friend that shows Matthew alive and well. With the help of the warden, a family friend, he breaks out of prison to try and find his son.

While you may have to suspend belief a bit, this is a book that's tough to put down until you see how it all plays out. You can't help but root for David as he tries to find his son while eluding the FBI and police. Highly entertaining so don't miss this one if you are a Harlan Coben fan!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

3.15.2023 - We Were Once A Family

We Were Once a Family by Roxanna Asgarian 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of this important book by Roxanna Asgarian and beautifully narrated by Suehyla El-Attar - 5 stars!

In 2018, the headlines screamed the story of two women who apparently intentionally drove their SUV off a cliff into the Pacific Ocean.  It turns out that they were a married couple who adopted six black children from two different families in TX and extolled their perfect family all over social media.  But in truth, the couple moved around a lot to avoid issues and the children were living horrible lives of abuse and neglect.  The author, a journalist, was the first to look into the children's birth families and found a huge backstory of repeated failures by the systems put in place to protect these children and their families.

This book is meticulously researched.  The author took the time to find the children's birth families and really get involved with trying to help them after this tragedy.  While hindsight is always 20/20 and we could site just as many tragedies from children being returned to their birth families as not, this book highlights the fact that being poor and black doesn't help in the eyes of those in charge.  There were people desperate to have these children back in their homes and they weren't deemed acceptable.  This book should be mandatory reading by all those in charge of making child placement decisions for another side to the story.  Highly recommended.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

3.14.2023 - Hello Beautiful

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Dial Press for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by the author of Dear Edward, Ann Napolitano - 5 stars!

William Waters grew up in a family where a tragedy changed all their lives and made his parents incapable of loving him.  He found peace and solace on the basketball court and earns a scholarship to college.  There, he meets Julia, the oldest of four sisters who are inseparable.  Julia has their lives all scripted out - until William's darkness overtakes him, leading to a rift in the family that lasts generations.

Ann Napolitano has done it again - she takes tough subjects like grief, depression, family loyalty and responsibility - and creates a world and characters that fill you with love and hope.  The sisters' dad, Charlie, is one of those characters - although he drank and wasn't the best fit with their mom, he instilled a sense of wonder and faith in each of his daughters, saying Hello Beautiful every time he saw them.  This is a family, warts and all, and I loved spending time with them.  I could go on and on about these characters but don't want to give anything away.  This is a must read - very highly recommended!

Monday, March 13, 2023

3.13.2023 - The Protege

The Protégé by Jody Gehrman 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books and Dreamscape Media for gifting me an audio ARC of the new thriller by Jody Gehrman and wonderfully narrated by Cindy Kay and Jess Nahikian - 4 stars!

Dr. Hannah Bryers, anthropology professor and forensics expert at the prestigious Mad River University,  While she's at the top of her field and is comfortable around the dead bodies she works with, she struggles socially and has only two friends she can count on.  Winter Jones is Hannah's teaching assistant and her top student.  But Winter has an ulterior motive - to destroy Hannah's life.

This is a book where you know the villain from the beginning, but the thrill comes from watching it play out.  Told in alternating POV of both Hannah and Winter, you can see the toll that Winter's actions are taking as she becomes distrustful of those around her.  We slowly learn Winter's reason behind er hatred of Hannah and her desire for revenge.  This was a twisty one and the narration was great as well.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

3.11.2023 - The Surgeon

The Surgeon by Leslie Wolfe

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for gifting me an audio ARC of this thriller by Leslie Wolfe and wonderfully narrated by Gwendolyn Druyor- 4 stars!

Dr. Anne Wiley, a renowned heart surgeon, had never lost a patient before until today.  When she saw the face of the patient she was operating on, everything changed.  Now she can't let it go.  Neither can an aggressive, determined assistant district attorney, Paula Fuselier, who learns about the patient's death and wants to prosecute.  What are her ulterior motives?

This was a good mystery, with alternating POV from both Anne and Paula.  Neither of these characters are completely likable, yet their stories are intriguing.  There are plenty of twists that I didn't see coming!  This is my first book from this author and looking forward to exploring more of her work.

3.11.2023 - Gone Again

Gone Again by Minka Kent 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest book by Minka Kent - 4.5 stars!

Celia's husband, Rob, throws her a giant birthday party for her 40th birthday.  Once she got home, her insomnia got the best of her.  Going through her presents and cards in the middle of the night, she finds a threatening note.  She decides to go for a drive and then vanishes.  Her sister, Genevieve, is worried although her and Celia had a recent falling out.  She begins investigating and learns of rumors and concerns among her friends, but she knows that Celia has left before.

Told in the voices of both Celia and Genevieve, in both the past and present, we get a glimpse of their shared past with parents who were religious fanatics and abusive.  Celia is desperate to keep her secrets to herself and has structured her life accordingly, cutting off contact with most of her family.  This was a quick read and another good mystery by Minka Kent!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

3.9.2023 - Unexpected

Unexpected by Chris Thomas 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Post Hill Press for gifting me a digital ARC of this behind-the-scenes look into Elizabeth Smart's disappearance - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Twenty years after Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped and subsequently rescued, Chris Thomas tells the story of how he managed the press, police, and Elizabeth's family to help bring her home.  In alternating chapters, Chris tells about growing up in The Church of Latter-day Saints and how it prepared him to take on this task.

This was such an interesting read.  If you are looking for details on Elizabeth's life while kidnapped or even her rescue, there are plenty of other books out there, including one written by Elizabeth.  This book talks about all the public relations duties that Chris took on for the Smart family, to help them negotiate all this unchartered territory in a way that kept Elizabeth's story alive while allowing them to maintain some sort of private family life as well.  Chris' own family had to take a backseat at this time, and you could feel the stress he was under.  I loved the parts about Chris' childhood, especially the interactions with his veteran neighbor.  It also gives a high-level look into his religion's ideals without being preachy or going into too much detail.  Good life lessons here - everyone is going through something and our responses to them should reflect that.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

3.8.2023 - He Said He Would Be Late

He Said He Would Be Late by Justine Sullivan 

Many thanks to NetGalley, Henry Holt and Macmillan Audio for gifting me a digital and audio ARC of the debut novel by Justine Sullivan, and beautifully narrated by Kelli Tager - 4 stars!

Liz is a new mother to Emma, married to handsome and successful Arno, and trying to work on her second novel.  When she inadvertently sees a somewhat flirty text from her husband's coworker, she begins to question Arno's faithfulness, which leads her to behave in all kinds of questionable ways.  Is it all in her mind or is Arno cheating on her?

First of all, the narration on this one was fabulous and really kept me intrigued.  While it's being promoted as a psychological thriller, it's more of a character-driven domestic drama.  Putting aside more the more serious issue of postpartum depression, this is just a well-written story of a woman desperate to keep her life intact.  There are lots of humorous moments to keep you reading.  Liz makes some bad decisions, but most can relate to a thought-worm that gets trapped in your brain and you twist reality to fit.  Anxious to read more from this author!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

3.7.2023 - Now You See Us

Now You See Us by Balli Kaur Jaswal 

Many thanks to NetGalley, William Morrow, and Book Club Girl for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful novel by Balli Kaur Jaswal - 4.5 stars rounded up!

The ones that no one sees - the behind-the-scenes workers who make everything happen - especially the domestic workers in wealthy households.  This story revolves around three women from the Philippines who come to Singapore to try and earn a living - Cora, Donita, and Angel.  Another Filipina maid is accused of murder and the three don't believe she is guilty, and try to investigate on their own.  Each of these women are keeping secrets and live under the shadow of fear.

Reminiscent of The Help, this story highlights the way some people abuse and ignore those that are being paid to help them.  But throw in poor conditions and women desperate to earn money who have to leave their home country, and you have the potential for disaster.  However, this story also includes humor, kindness, and some very strong women.  This would be a good book club pick, with lots to talk about - racism, classism, sexism - and should make everyone be nicer to those around us who enable us to live our lives better.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

3.5.2023 - 48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister

48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister by Joyce Carol Oates 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penzler Publishers/Mysterious Press for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest offering by Joyce Carol Oates - 4 stars!

Marguerite (M), a sculptor, has disappeared from the Upstate NY home she shares with her father and younger sister, Georgene (G).  Police investigate but can find no clues, so only guesses and inferences remain.  

Told in a unique, choppy, stream of consciousness of G's thoughts, we slowly learn of the sisters' relationship and G's feelings of inadequacy when compared to M's beauty and worth.  This writing style takes some getting used to, but as typical from Joyce Carol Oates, is subtly tense and effective.  If you want a novel that's tied up in a bow at the end, this isn't it, but it's eery and thought-provoking.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

3.4.2023 - A Flaw in the Design

A Flaw in the Design by Nathan   Oates 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House for gifting me a digital ARC of this wonderful book by Nathan Oates - 5 stars!

After escaping from NYC to the Vermont countryside, Gil is living happily with his wife and two daughters, working as a professor at the local college.  Then he receives word that his estranged wealthy sister and her husband have died in a car accident, and their son, Matthew, is coming to live with them until he goes to college.  Gil and his wife, Molly, are worried about bringing Matthew into their home because he was a troubled child.  But when he arrives, he's polite and seemingly unaffected by his parents' deaths.  When he signs up for Gil's creative writing class, however, his writings seem to spell a dark side towards his parents and Gil's own family.  

Wow - this book was so tense and I couldn't put it down.  The fear and paranoia that Gil experiences jumps off the pages to grab you.  Gil is desperate to make his family see beyond the polished persona of Matthew to what he believes is the dark hiding within.  Both Gil and Matthew appear to be somewhat unreliable narrators, so that the reader is left questioning the true reality of the situation.  That ending was perfect!  Highly recommended.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

3.2.2023 - All that is Mine I Carry With Me

All That Is Mine I Carry with Me by William Landay 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine for gifting me a digital ARC of the new book by William Landay - 5 amazing stars!

It's 1975 when 10-year-old Miranda Larkin comes home from school to an empty house.  Her mother is gone.  So begins the saga for the Larkin family.  Jane's husband, Dan, an attorney, is a suspect but there's no solid evidence to prosecute.  So the children, Alex, Jeff, and Miranda have to navigate their new world.

I think you are best going into this book as blind as possible.  Knowing that it's the long-awaited book by the author of Defending Jacob is enough to make you read it.  And once you crack it open, you won't be able to put it down.  Told in first person POVs from those involved, including an author who is writing a book about the case, you get to experience how this tragedy affected everyone.  I keep thinking about all these characters - it's heartbreaking to think about the children and their angst at their feelings of divided loyalty.  I also loved the characters who went out of their way to care.  The writing is amazing and kept me glued to the pages until that final perfect ending.  This is a highly recommended, must read!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

3.1.2023 - Code Name Sapphire

Code Name Sapphire by Pam Jenoff 

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing Park Row Books for gifting me a digital copy of the latest historical fiction offering by Pam Jenoff - 4 stars!

In 1942, Hannah flees Nazi Germany after her fiancé is killed.  With nowhere to go, she travels to Brussels to stay with her cousin, Lily, and her family.  Desperate for an escape out of Europe, she joins the Sapphire Line, headed by Micheline and her brother, Mateo.  But Hannah's mistake puts Lily's family in mortal danger and she must do what she can to save her cousin's family before they are deported to Auschwitz.  

Told in the voices of these three, this book highlights the strength and resilience of women to fight for their families and what they believe is right.  Every time I read a book about the atrocities of this time, I learn something new which is historical fiction at its best.  Inspired by real events.